Welcome to the advice column! Here, you submit questions about school, life, relationships, etc., and I give you answers. This helpline type of article is made for you, the readers, so please feel free to send in your questions to Ms. Quiter’s class’ “ADVICE” box located in room 201 in the 200 building.
To kick off this monthly advice column, I’ll give you some words of wisdom from my own life that might help you.
Ask questions
If you are struggling with anything, like an assignment, asking questions like “How are we supposed to —?” or “Can you clarify this for me?” are life-savers. Asking for an extension on an assignment is also incredibly helpful.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
I used to feel the need to be perfect in everything I did, even if I had just been introduced to it. That is probably one of the most toxic mindsets to have. You are human, and it’s completely natural to make mistakes, because it’s part of your learning.
It’s okay to not feel the same thing others do
If one of your friends really likes something that you just don’t like, don’t fake liking it. Being yourself is always important, and it’s okay to disagree with your friends over different ideas/feelings.
Once again, please submit your questions to the “ADVICE” box in Ms. Quiter’s room, and have a good day!