At Montera Middle School, students are expected to dress respectfully. The Montera dress code is a controversial topic, students of many grades and genders have many varying opinions on the dress code. Reporters and students of Montera, Mars Vlahos and Hayden Chin, gathered students’ opinions on Montera’s dress code.
A very popular opinion is that many students believe that the dress code at Montera is very targeted towards female students. An outspoken anonymous 8th grade student says the dress code is sexist, restricting, outdated and does not celebrate culture. The same student states the crocs rule is unreasonable along with tank tops. She states “stop viewing children as dressing inappropriately and start viewing adults as seeing children inappropriately.” Other students, including Roxanne Lyngen, Lishan Dhati, Hadley Perara, Shan Genesis Soliman, Frances Mejia, and Judith Gomez, share similar concerns about the dress code being aimed at girls.
Another big topic was the fact that crocs are prohibited from being worn at school. Many students are very upset that they aren’t allowed to wear crocs at school anymore. 8th student Jayda Mitchell, a student very concerned about comfort states, “One of the things I want to change about the dress code is the crocs rule because crocs are more comfortable than regular shoes.” Another 8th grade student Aida Pedroni says, “I don’t like the crocs rule because crocs are comfortable and easy to put on.” 6th grade students Kai’rose and Hadley Perara and 7th grade student Darrious Lee agree with this statement.
Nearly every male student interviewed stated that the dress code either doesn’t affect them or their main concern was the crocs rule. On the other hand, most older, female students like 7th and 8th graders had larger opinions on the dress code, saying it was sexist and unreasonable. However, one thing all Montera students can agree on is that the dress code must be changed for everyone’s happiness.