On Dec. 10, Ms. Recco and other teachers held an art show to showcase students’ art. The arts that were displayed each had a creative impact on the night with kids, parents and teachers admiring the hall of art in the 300 building.
The night was a festival of artwork and creativity for the kids of the art classes of Montera. The pieces that were presented were well thought out with great details, creative imagination and excellent execution. The types of art that were presented were basketball courts, product parodies, contour drawings, watercolor crystals and various other types of art that students had mastermindedly created. The night showcased the kids talent and creativity.
The best pieces that were Leonard’s Basketball Court, Kai Butchers Basketball Court, Jackson Masuret’s Basketball Court, Stephanie Martinez’s Monstera Leaf, Isa Lee’s illustration, Madeline Lu, Victoria Nguyen and Evelyn Duvernay’s Bird. They all came up with master pieces of artwork and creativity. It would be hard to choose which one was the best but many people would say that Kai Butcher’s Basketball Court is the best due to its colors, creativity and color palette execution.
The teachers chaperoning the night were Ms. Recco, Dr. Emerick, Mr. Bell, Mr. Runge, Dr. Williams, Mrs. Harambe and Mrs. Shogbesan. They were in charge of the night, chaperoning the entirety of the event like the snacks students brought and parents coming in to see their kids artwork.
The whole hall was a masterpiece of admirable artworks and admiring onlookers,